February 28
Time:11:00 am - 01:00 pm
Event Category: Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-28th-warren-call-leading-in-times-of-change-tickets-92996973451The Leadership Lunch Club
Traverse City Golf & Country Club
1725 South Union Street, Traverse City, MI 49684
Traverse City, MI, US, 49684
Presentation: “Leading in Times of Change”
Change is difficult but it brings some unique challenges for those in leadership positions who have to help a company or a community navigate through those changes. Leaders need to deal with a variety of needs and responses during those times from team members, peers, clients, partners and even supporters. In his presentation, Warren will share some of the massive changes Traverse Connect has experienced as well as up-coming changes and use that as a backdrop to share some of the strategies that leaders can use to help them lead their organizations through successful transitions.
Presenter: Warren Call
Warren Call is the President & CEO of TraverseCONNECT, a regional economic development organization focused on advancing the economic vitality of the Grand Traverse Region through the growth of family-sustaining careers. His role is to lead strategy for the organization, support area businesses, market the region globally and collaborate with local, state and national organizations on critical issues related to economic development. Prior to joining Traverse Connect, Warren served as the Regional Manager for the Huntington Private Bank, with oversight for Investment & Private Banking across Northern Michigan. He has also led several nonprofit and public policy initiatives dedicated to economic expansion and talent development. A Northern Michigan native, he moved back to the area after living in Rome, New York City and Salt Lake City. Warren holds a M.B.A. in International Finance from St. John’s University and a B.A. in History from Michigan State University. He is married to his wife Marina Call and they have two children; Sofia (16) and Winston (11).
Featured Book:
“Leading Change” by John Kotter
One of the most challenging aspects of leadership is when the organization or team they lead is going through a major change. Unfortunately, many organizations are more reactive rather than proactive as the change is happening around them. Harvard professor and author John Kotter says the key to successful change is for leaders to ensure that they are taking the time to plan and implement an intentional change process and lists the main reasons why change efforts fail more often then they succeed. He said says that organizational change needs to be led not managed and that 80 percent of successful transformations that really stick are due to leadership and only 20 per cent due to management. His book “Leading Change” has become one of the most popular and well-respected references on change for organizations of any size and for leaders at any level wanting to transform their organization and motivate their team members in the process. Central to the book is the 8-step change process that Kotter details starting with the first and most important step according to Kotter of “Creating a Sense of Urgency.” Learn more about the 8 step change process here.
11:00am – Doors Open // Sponsor Expo // Networking
11:20-11:45 – Lunch Buffet Open Networking Continues
11:45-12:50 – Welcome, Featured Presentation
12:50-1PM – Q & A and Wrap-up
NOTE: No Refunds on orders, but you can make attendee substitutions if you create an Eventbrite account.
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